Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

07 June 2006

Close Encounters of the Ivan Kind

My friend Vikki, who I've known for years from our days learning Italian together, sent me an email the other day that made me gasp aloud. It seems a coworker of hers was in Italy in May. This fact alone would make her a lucky person indeed, but in addition to just soaking in the Italian light, she also managed to catch a bit of the Giro d'Italia individual time trial around Pisa.

Yes, folks, she basked in the glow of My Boyfriend.

These pictures, both taken by Gwen Fairchild (Vikki's coworker Pam's sister), are the closest I have yet to come to the Giro, and I had to share them with you all (I asked first!).

This first picture is a shot of Ivan in action - and pretty in pink - on his way to a 2nd place in the time trial:

It may surprise you, however, that the picture of Ivan is not my favorite of Gwen's shots. No, I prefer the picture she took of what I like to call "my competition:"

Pam says, "Ivan was a cutie. When he came out to sign in for the stage you'd hear murmurs through the crowd and then big cheers with people yelling, 'Basso, Basso, Basso.' He seemed very appreciative, had that smile and looked just like on TV!"

So, until I get my rear to Italy in May, these pictures will have to suffice.

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