Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

11 December 2007

Bad Blogger

I know, I know. It's been ages. And I'm only posting now because I know I "should," although I can't think of anything to say... Chris and I both were horribly sick with some kind of nasty flu right after Thanksgiving, and I've had a head cold just about since I recovered from that flu thing, so I've been going to bed early most nights and feeling icky. My company party was the first weekend in December, and I had a great time - even if I was still a little under the weather. It was great to see so many friends from last year's party, and meet so many new people as well. A few people are already planning the next "meetup" in San Francisco in late January, and I'm so tempted to go... If lack of money wasn't getting in my way I probably would. I'm slacking big-time on my holiday newsletter this year, and I'll be lucky if it gets out by early February at this rate. Maybe I'll call it my birthday letter...

Anyway, there's plenty going on, just nothing terribly interesting, as you can tell! I hope all's well with all of you, and that you've managed to stay healthy.

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