Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

25 March 2005

Closer to Home

I watched a PBS special on Ansel Adams last night, and was reminded how often we overlook the travel destinations that are closer to home in favor of those further afield. "I'll get to it later," we say (or at least I do), and then we never do. Adams' love of Yosemite and the Sierra Nevadas was really wonderful to see. I love where I live, and yet I don't love it in that same rhapsodic way Adams seemed to love his chosen spot. It made me think I ought to try a few vacations in the U.S. in the near future. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever seen Yosemite...

Oh, and of course the photography element of it made me want to run outside and take pictures (or, as Adams said, "make pictures") - of anything. I've signed up for a month-long class in manual photography through the local community college, so hopefully I'll learn a thing or two!

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