Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

14 July 2006

Parson's Porridge & Orange Toes

I'm writing this from sunny Bend, Oregon, where Chris & I are this weekend for the Cascade Cycling Classic... While Chris is racing, I'm on a mini-vacation.

We got in last night, had dinner and a quick walk around downtown, and I already know a few shops I want to go back to later. I treated myself to a pedicure today (hence the orange toes), after a lovely breakfast on the patio (hence the porridge), so I can't try on any of the cute shoes I found at a shop around the corner... At least not until tomorrow. I think the park is also within walking distance, and I think there are swans there, too. So, maybe I'll wander down there later.

At the moment, though, I'm enjoying the hotel's free wifi in one of its four lovely courtyards, under the shade of an umbrella - which is necessary, as it's supposed to be 87 degrees today. And at some point I'm hoping to get some pictures up here for you... I've got shots from weeks ago that I hadn't even had time to get onto the computer until just now, so I've got some catching up to do.

One funny aside - for anyone who says the US isn't a soccer nation, we were stopped on our little walk last night by two people because Chris was wearing one of his "ITALIA" jackets. Both times, they said, "Hey, Italia! Congratulations!" So, at least some people are paying attention.

Alrighty, that's about it for now. I'm taking pictures this weekend, too, so eventually - really, eventually - you'll see them. I promise. Until then, just know that I mean well, even if I am getting quite lazy.

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