Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

07 December 2006

What the coming year may bring...

As we're nearing the end of 2006, Chris & I know that at this point next year we'll be in a very different place - perhaps physically, and definitely metaphorically. Chris' job is ending in July of next year, so he's beginning a job hunt now (thank goodness he's got quite a bit of notice). We don't yet know where we'll end up, and it's exciting to know that there are so many doors open to us.

Sure, there was a moment - okay, a couple days - of mild panic on both our parts, and we've gotten past that. We're kind of enjoying contemplating all the possibilities...


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the search, and definitely enjoy the possibilities.

Anonymous said...

Now that you and Chris have digested the news and gotten over the temporary downer, it has to be exciting. You're young, smart, healthy, free and adventurous. Whoa!