Chris' sister Kate is visiting us this week - she graduated from college this spring, and begins her first post-school job next month, so Chris invited her out to stay with us. She arrived yesterday morning, and yesterday was pretty low-key. We have a few things we'd like to do while she's here, but mostly it's about relaxing and - frankly - eating! She's made a few requests about restaurants she wants to try, or foods she wants to eat that she can't get at home. It's all stuff we love, too, so we're happy to oblige.
Last night Chris made what has become this summer's dessert favorite - peach tart tatin. It's beautiful and covered in a dark caramel that complements the sweet and tangy peaches perfectly.
For dinner, Chris made pizzas on the grill, and the evening was so lovely we ate on the deck. As you can see here, Kate enjoyed her dinner...
yer makin me hungry :)
Cruel and unusual punishment to show this food and not have a link to the "home delivery" site.
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