Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

03 April 2005

Gallery? Salon? Whatever.

Today we are going to the show of a friend of ours (who we had over to dinner last night, as a matter of fact) – she’s a photographer. She photographed our wedding party, actually. She’s not had much in the way of shows, and this one’s at a hair salon, of all places, so it’s not exactly a gallery… But she’s very excited, and we’re looking forward to seeing her work. She’s got a great eye, and is totally self-taught. I told her last night that I’ve signed up for a photography class which starts this month, and she said, “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve given you that class personally for free!” So, I’m going to take the class so I can learn the language (which I’m hopeless at right now), and then schedule a time when I can just follow her around while she’s working. At the moment, the prospect intimidates me, but I think I’ll have to just get over that so I can learn more and progress to a point where I’m more confident about taking pictures.

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