Where am I now?

As you can see, this blog hasn't gotten any love in many years... But you can now find me on my site jessicatravels.com.

21 April 2005

Weekend away

On the bluff overlooking Tobermory's harbor, & what we refer to as the "money shot" - photographs by John Wilshire Posted by Hello

Chris & I are gearing up for our beach getaway this weekend to celebrate the second anniversary of our Scottish nuptials (pictures above). The weather is actually supposed to be nice as well, which is quite strange (you understand what I mean if you've ever tried to plan anything on the Oregon coast). We were almost hoping for rain, which would keep us indoors - reading, watching movies, drinking wine, relaxing... Now we'll have to force ourselves to relax! Oh, well. We could have worse problems, I suppose...

I'll be bringing my camera, and Chris has agreed to be "photographer's assistant" and write down all the shutter-speed and F-stop information for each shot. If anything looks remotely postable, you'll see it here later.

Honestly (as an aside), I'm having trouble getting used to all the manual settings on my camera. Last night in class, the project was to take "portraits" of a fellow classmate we were paired with. Of course, basically none of us know one another, so there's that awkwardness to overcome. And then if you get two people in a group who are sort of shy, you're doomed. As I've stated before, I often have trouble getting my camera out in certain situations, so it wasn't exactly an easy project... And on top of that, I'm so used to the auto-focus that I was actually waiting for the little beep my camera makes when it's in focus so I could push the button. Oops! It feels like it takes forever to set up the shot now, and then to focus on top of that - I swear, if I ever manage to take a picture, it'll be something worth talking about.

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